When Ben was just a baby at our old daycare, the teachers commented one day one the shirt he was wearing. It was one of those funny shirts that they make for babies, like "Spit Happens", "Automatic Sprinkler", "Party in my Playpen", etc.. Thing is, they said they could usually tell which parent dressed him in the morning based on his outfit. Anna tends to lean towards plain shirts or baby polos, where I tend to go right for the funny. I can't help it. Even when browsing at the store, I'm constantly picking up shirts and showing them to her for a laugh (although I usually get an eyeroll) like a group of 12 year-old boys in a t-shirt shop on the Boardwalk. So when I spotted spotted this today, I had to share with you in hopes it brings you the same smile and knowing nod that it brought me.
If only they had a matching adult size for myself.
Thanks to Super Cool Baby for the head's up.
Steve, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. I guess considering we both tend to prefer a good laugh, I'll go with that option. :)