A couple other things to keep in mind. You need to sign up for the card, which you can do at checkout. They accept coupons, including internet printed ones, but they do not double them. They do no give away bags, so you either need to bring your own bags/totes, be prepared to pack them into boxes they have up front for free, or buy plastic bags at 5/$0.25.
I actually love their store brand bread (price is also good for hotdog and hamburger rolls), and $0.79 a loaf is a great price. And Ben has started to be into Bananas, so that price helps a bunch (pun intended). The Corn Chips I tried were "eh", not enough to want them again.
When we went this morning, they had two HOT unadvertised deals at the store.
- 8 count boxes of Pop Tarts $1.00/each (limit 4)
- Boxes of Keebler Cookies $1.00/each (limit 4)
The nature of Bottom Dollar is that the selection is limited, particularly in the amount of varieties they stock of an item. And because these are crazy prices for these items, the selection was pretty well picked over but I assume that it will be restocked before Thursday.
Let me know in the comments if you've tried Bottom Dollar and what you thought, or any great deals you've found.
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