Saturday, September 19, 2009

Insane Huggies Deal

Ok, so there is an absolutely crazy deal at RiteAid starting tomorrow on Huggies. Assuming your store doesn't give you any grief using the coupons (which for all companies can vary from location to location or even cashier to cashier...), this is a crazy have-your-friends-family-neighbors-do-this-deal type deal.

Buy 3 Huggies Pure and Natural $33
Use (1) $5.00/20.00 Rite Aid Video Values Coupon
Use (3) $3.00/1 Huggies PRINTABLE HERE or HERE at
Use (3) $2.00/1 from ad perks videos
$13.00 after coupon

Get back SCR of $10.00

$1.00 each!


For the Mommas is where I spotted this deal, and it looks like she visited a couple of her local stores to confirm this should work but, as they say, you mileage may vary...

This may be worth a trip even though we really dislike Huggies in our house. Perhaps they'd be good to send to daycare though. Hmm....


  1. Steve,
    I can't find the three dollar coupon from the link you gave... are you finding it?

  2. Perhaps the link reached the print limit? I'm not sure... but it looks like has it still listed. I'll update the post with the link for that.
